Long Distance Relationship

How Blogging Improved My LDR

I took a step back today and really thought hard about this blog. My focus on it has faltered because of how busy my university life has been (Nursing school is HARD & TERRIBLY BUSY), and I found myself feeling really guilty about it. I started this blog a year and a half ago, wanting… Continue reading How Blogging Improved My LDR

Long Distance Relationship

How to stay safe when you want to meet someone off the web:

With the recent explosion of this post, I felt I needed to make a post about how not to get murdered by someone you met off the internet (just kidding, but seriously, be safe!). 1. Get to know them REALLY well Hobbies Job University/College/High School Family Pets Friends Future aspirations Their intentions (if they want… Continue reading How to stay safe when you want to meet someone off the web:

Long Distance Relationship · Uncategorized

Why meeting someone online isn’t weird at all:

Our generation grew up with technology and the internet Since we all grew up with technology, we know all about internet safety. If you’re going to meet in person, you’re going to sure as hell confirm their identity before you do so because you’re not an idiot. We aren’t naive enough to believe out of… Continue reading Why meeting someone online isn’t weird at all:

Long Distance Relationship · Uncategorized

Why Cooking Together Can Bring You Closer

Why cooking together can bring you closer, & how you can cook together long distance.  It takes teamwork! Working together to accomplish a mutual goal is a bonding exercise. Just as businesses send their employees out on teambuilding workshops, your relationship needs the same practice. You learn how to collaborate with each other, your strengths… Continue reading Why Cooking Together Can Bring You Closer

Long Distance Relationship · Uncategorized

Advice: 6 Ways Your Apology Sucks

Being in any kind of relationship, we can sometimes find ourselves in that awful spot where we’re fighting and fighting, and ultimately have to apologize. As you can imagine, at times it is hard to admit that you are wrong. If you’re like me, you are super duper stubborn and want to ‘win’ the fight. But… Continue reading Advice: 6 Ways Your Apology Sucks

Long Distance Relationship · Uncategorized

Blogmas #5: A Frugal Girl’s Guide to Date Night

On the Fifth day of Blogmas, my Tammy brings to me… Cheap date ideas. Because in an LDR, we are all BROKE. So besides crying over our wallets and how expensive plane tickets/train tickets are let’s all look on the positive side: having fun doesn’t always require money. Idea #1: Dip into your inner child,… Continue reading Blogmas #5: A Frugal Girl’s Guide to Date Night